What is STEM ERG?
Washington University’s STEM Education Research Group (ERG) brings together a diverse group of faculty and staff members interested in research on teaching and learning in STEM. The group represents an array of fields, including Biology, Chemistry, Education, Physics, Psychology, and Engineering, as well as the Institute for School Partnership, The Teaching Center, and CIRCLE.
The ERG uses a laboratory-group model, with individual members presenting current or completed work related to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). ERG members meet weekly to offer one another feedback, research suggestions, and ideas for new collaborations.
When does the group meet?
STEM ERG will kick off the 2012 fall semester with a discussion led by Gina Frey and Mark McDaniel on active learning in general physics. The schedule of topics for the fall semester will also be completed at this meeting. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Gina Frey.
Image: Einstein’s blackboard on permanent display in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, licensed under Wikimedia Commons