“Expanding the CIRCLE: Growing a community of practice for evidence-based STEM instruction through events and social media,” Association of American Universities (AAU) Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, 02/19 – 02/21.
“Fostering Inclusive Classrooms and Student Support Systems through Psychosocial and Metacognitive Strategies,” HHMI: Undergraduate Science Education – 2017 Inclusive Excellence Grants Competition, 9/17 – 8/22.
“Transformational Initiative for Education in STEM,” Office of the Provost, 4/16 – 6/20.
“Using a Multiple-Strategies Approach to Increase the Use of Active-learning Techniques across Multiple STEM Disciplines: Implementation and Evaluation,” Association of American Universities (AAU) Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, 07/13 – 12/18.
“Evaluation of Curriculum Redesign in Business School,” University of Wisconsin – Madison (Business School), 1/16 – 11/17.
“Discovering an Impediment to Undergraduate Learning, Validating Effective Teaching Interventions & Disseminating the New Knowledge” Teagle Foundation, 01/14 – 12/16.
“College Freshmen Migrating out of STEM: Identifying Who & How Many are At-Risk; Causes; How to Increase Retention,” LUCE Foundation, 01/12 – 12/15.