As part of the AAU STEM Education Initiative, a large number of student clickers were purchased to incentivize faculty to incorporate active learning techniques into the classroom. Clickers were available for students to rent on a semester basis from the on-campus library, free of charge. Faculty could set up a clicker base for students through The Teaching Center. Faculty support was provided through workshops and a learning community during the integration process. This initiative led to the institutionalization of clickers in the classroom. The program began with four faculty and after four years had expanded to 34 faculty. Throughout the program, clickers were used by an estimated 6,000 undergraduates.
CIRCLE conducted a study to examine how STEM instructors incorporated clicker-based active learning into their large lecture courses. It was found that while faculty tended to use similar procedures for clicker-based active learning, how it was implemented within the course differed between instructors. To read more about the study, see:
Solomon, E. D., Repice, M. D., Mutambuki, J. M., Leonard, D. A., Cohen, C. A., Luo, J. & Frey, R. F. (2018). A mixed method investigation of clicker implementation styles in STEM. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 17(2), ar30. doi: 10.1187/cbe.17-08-0180