NSF meeting: Promoting research at the intersection of cognitive psychology and discipline-based education research through the publication of a White Paper.
This White Paper reports on the outcomes and conclusions of a two-day NSF sponsored meeting held in September, 2016. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss ways of increasing collaborations between cognitive scientists and discipline-based education researchers (DBER) aimed at improving teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Attendees met in three “working groups,” with each group including cognitive scientists and DBERS. Each group focused on one of three themes: (a) Standards for evidence in cognitive science and DBER, (b) Engineering instructional innovations, attributing casuality, and conducting informative research, (c) Communication and collaboration across cognitive science and DBER. The White Paper synthesizes the key points and conclusions that emerged from two days of energetic discussion.
The White Paper: McDaniel et al. (2017) cognitive psychology and discipline-based education research