Inclusive Advising Workshop Follow-Up
On Sept. 25, a day-long workshop was presented by nationally recognized social justice expert, Dr. Kathy Obear. Dr. Obear is the founder and president of The Center for Transformation and Change, author of three books, and consultant to hundreds of universities, human services organizations, and corporations. Dr. Obear has over 30 years of experience specializing […]
Speaker Series October Event Follow-Up
Our October 2019 speaker was Dr. Jennifer Knight from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Dr. Knight’s talk was titled: “Understanding Students’ In-Class Experiences Can Help Shape Effective Instructional Practices.” Over 30 interested faculty and staff attended the event; and Dr. Knight also met with departmental groups of faculty from Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Psychology, and Math over […]
Inclusive Excellence Training: Advisors & Student Affairs (9/25)
Upcoming event on Wednesday, September 25th: Day-long workshop presented by nationally recognized social justice expert, Dr. Kathy Obear. Dr. Obear is the founder and president of The Center for Transformation and Change, author of three books, and consultant to hundreds of universities, human services organizations, and corporations. Dr. Obear has over 30 years of experience […]
Teaching Academy Workshop to Be Held August 14th
CIRCLE’s third meeting of the Teaching Academy will take place on Wednesday, August 14th from 12:00 – 1:30 pm. All Arts & Sciences STEM faculty are welcome to attend, especially our faculty partners in the Transformational Initiative for Education in STEM (TIES) project and the HHMI Community for Innovations in STEM Teaching, Inclusion, and Learning […]
Next Speaker Series Guest on Oct. 8th – Dr. Jennifer Knight
The next featured speaker scheduled as part of our CIRCLE Teaching Academy Speaker Series on October 8th is Dr. Jennifer Knight. Dr. Knight is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at University of Colorado-Boulder, and a recent recipient of the ‘Excellence in Teaching and Pedagogy’ 2019 BFA Excellence Award. […]