Thank you to all presenters and participants in the September 2018 CIRCLE Conference! Slides, posters, and other conference resources are available on Box to conference participants. If you have questions regarding the conference or would like to contact one of the participants, please contact Angela Fink at
This national conference brought together nearly 100 scientists and educators from 60 different institutions to exchange ideas and broaden perspectives on undergraduate STEM education. Fields represented included: biology, chemistry, computer science, education, engineering, geoscience, mathematics, neuroscience, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physics, and psychology. The conference was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (grant no. DUE-1630128, 2017) and was co-hosted by the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and CIRCLE at Washington University in St. Louis.
By promoting scholarly research at the interface of psychological science and DBER, this conference helped participants to synthesize the current state of knowledge on STEM education, explored barriers to cross-disciplinary research, and generated action plans for advancing such collaborative work.